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When did the football game between Army and Navy begin? What is the origin story?

America’s Game,” affectionately known, is a tradition intertwined with the nation’s culture.

The History of the Army vs Navy Game

VIDEO: The history of the Army and Navy's football rivalry
CBS Mornings

The Army vs. Navy Game is one of the oldest running sporting traditions in the United States. It is an American college football rivalry game that pits the Army Black Knights of the United States Military Academy (USMA) at West Point, New York, against the Navy Midshipmen of the United States Naval Academy (USNA) at Annapolis, Maryland. The Black Knights, Cadets, and Midshipmen each represent their respective service’s oldest officer commissioning sources. In keeping with this, the game has come to be seen as the very embodiment of the spirit of the inter-service rivalry of the United States Armed Forces. Frequently attended by sitting presidents, the game has been televised nationally each year since 1945. Most recently, CBS has televised the game since 1996 and has the rights to do so until 2028.

When did the Army vs Navy game begin?

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Embrace the Grind

The Army and Navy first met on the field of play on November 29, 1890; however, the game has only been played annually since 1930. Now in its 124th edition, the game was even held during World War II.

There have, however, been cancellations on some occasions. The game was not for four years, from 1894 to 1898. Additionally, the game was also not held once again in 1909 when the Army canceled all remaining games for their season following the death of a cadet who suffered an injury in an October game against Harvard. There were also 1917 and 1918, when the game was canceled due to participation in World War I. Last but not least, the game was canceled for the 1928-29 seasons when the two academies could not agree on players’ eligibility requirements, so the game was not staged.

The record, the venue, and other odds and ends

VIDEO: 5 Things You Don't Know About: Army-Navy Football Game

Across their 123 past meetings, the Navy is on top with a record of 62 wins compared to the Army, who have come out victorious 54 times. There have been seven tied games.


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Author: Robert Winters

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Name: Robert Winters

Birthday: 2001-11-23

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Introduction: My name is Robert Winters, I am a proficient, unwavering, accessible, Gifted, bold, unreserved, brilliant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.